Monday, September 8, 2008

Medical Advisor Journals----Heart Diseases--- Articles Written By Friends and Health Experts

Home Remedies to Battle High Cholesterol
By William Allen Yap Platinum Quality Author

There are two kinds of cholesterol found in the human body. There is the good and the bad. If you have a lot of bad cholesterol in your system otherwise known as LDL, you increase the risk of having diabetes or a heart disease. The good news is that you can control it before it is too late by using some home remedies.

The most effective way to lower your LDL is through exercise because when you burn energy, your sugar and proteins will be exhausted so the body has to compensate for the loss by converting fat into fuel.

If you haven't exercised before, see your doctor and do this gradually. Once you have built up your endurance, you can do this longer. This should be done for at least 20 minutes during each session and at least three times a week.

You should also eat food that is rich in fiber. You can get this from beans, grains, fruits and vegetables because it helps you flush out LDL from the body.

It is best to eat other products that do not contain a lot of animal fats. Most of these can be found in meat so reduce your intake and supplement this instead with chicken or fish.

If you enjoy eating rice, substitute the white one with the red variety. Studies show that it helps lower the production of LDL so it stays within the normal levels.

Since eating the right food is something challenging, pharmaceutical companies have come up with supplements that can help without causing any harmful side effects.

One example is Inositol which is a time released niacin. Studies show that taking this regularly will lower your LDL and increase the number of HDL in the human body. There is also Policosanol. The only difference between the two is that the second limits the production of LDL.

A supplement that combines the first two mentioned which also uses red yeast rice and Guggal gum extract as part of its ingredients is Bio Lipotrol. Tests have shown that you will feel that difference after just 2 weeks of use.

Making changes in your lifestyle and eating habits are just some of the things you can do to battle or even prevent high cholesterol. These home remedies are things that won't cost you a lot of money so do something about it now before it is too late.

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